Among the no-cost-to-schools benefits, the Michigan High School Athletic Association has provided athletic participants at each MHSAA member junior high/middle school and high school with additional insurance that is intended to pay accident medical expense benefits resulting from a suspected concussion.  

The injury must be sustained while the athlete is participating in an MHSAA covered activity and the policy limit is $25,000 for each accident.  This program was developed to insure student athletes from the high cost of concussion treatment and neurological follow up. 

The contact for claims is now Mutual of Omaha and the link for the claim information is below:

This program intends to assure that all eligible student-athletes in MHSAA member schools in grades 6 through 12, male and female, in all levels of all sports under the jurisdiction of the MHSAA, receive prompt and professional attention for head injury events event if the child is uninsured or under-insured.