4/24/23 Announcements



Monday- Walking taco, corn, salsa, fruit 1% milk

Tuesday- Cheese stick, marinara sauce, carrots, fruit, 1% milk

Wednesday- Ravioli, green beans, dinner roll, fruit, 1% milk

Thursday- Meatballs, mashed potatoes with gravy, peas, fruit, 1% milk

Friday- Pizza, carrots, fruit, cookie, 1% milk

Those taking from the salad bar must wear gloves. Gloves are provided near the plates and must be thrown away at the end of the salad bar line.

After-School Tutoring:

-Mondays with Ms. Cavanaugh in the computer lab

-Tuesdays with Mrs. DeShambo in Rm. 211

-Wednesdays with Mrs. McElroy in Rm. 216

-Thursdays with Mr. Brown in Rm. 222



Noah is a polite, friendly student. He knows what work he has to do and gets it done. He will ask questions when necessary and completes his assignments on time! Noah is also friendly to his other classmates and teachers. Way to be a Viking Noah!

HS: Kamrin is a kind, bubbly, and a great person to have around. She is always on task and ready to work in class. She has a great attitude and does not complain when something may be hard. Keep up the great work Kamrin.

Attention: Baraga Driver Education Segment 1 (Summer 2023): 

Sign up for Driver Ed Segment 1 starting Tuesday April 11th. Please stop into Mr. Johnston’s room before or after school to pick up a Parent/Guardian Contract. Signed contracts due Monday May 15th. You must be 14 years and 8 months old by June 1st. There is no cost to the student. Classes and driving sessions are scheduled for July and August. Please see Mr. Johnston with any questions you have. Thank you.

Senior athletes, do not forget to pick up the banquet award form in the HS office.

There are summer employment packets in the office for the KBIC Summer Youth Program. If you need a job this summer, come on in and grab one.

MDOT is also hiring for the summer for the L’Anse and Houghton garages. You must be 18 years old to apply. Please see Darcie for details.

Come check out the NEW Prom dresses that were donated to us! They are in the HS office.


MS: Sophie DesRochers HS: Izzy Westman


Upcoming Sporting Events:

Monday, April 24th-

Tuesday, April 25th-

Wednesday, April 26th- Baraga Invitational- Boys/Girls- 10:00

Thursday, April 29th-

Friday, April 28th- Softball Jeffers @home   

Have a Magical Monday!